Is It Worth Voting?

Today is the general election in the UK and despite speculation about the outcome it is by no means a given result.

Many people wonder if there is any point voting, asking questions like:

Is it worth it?

Will my vote count?


Will a change in party make any difference?

But your vote can make a difference, and until the system changes it is the only means to have your say. Some people have lost faith in the political system and use that as their reason for not voting. However, failing to vote does not communicate that point of view, nor lead to any change, it merely translates as apathy.

I am also very conscious at any election that men and women died so that we have the freedom to vote, and we owe it to them and ourselves to use that power.

Whatever your political preference, I hope you were able to vote today, and I hope you keep in mind that, living in a free country, you are able to vote every day, in every action that you take.

You vote by expressing your preference and making choices. All of our choices are votes. We choose where and how we live, what we buy and invest our money in, what charities and initiatives we support. And each of those choices communicates our personal point of view, for what we want out of our lives.

As an example, you may choose to:

  • Stop buying single use plastic

  • Eat a vegan diet

  • Eat a carnivore diet

  • Drive an electric car

  • Install an electric boiler

  • Only use public transport

  • Home school your children

  • Dress as a pirate every day for work!

The list could be endless. But the point is your choices communicate your vote on how we live, and how we take care of each other and our planet. And collectively, we can vote to bring about change, even if our political parties do not support our preferences.

Imagine if everyone in the UK stopped buying products packaged in plastic tomorrow. How long do you think manufacturers would continue selling their products in plastic packaging?

Please use your vote today, and use all of your votes wisely. We have so much more power than we give ourselves credit for.


Be Kind, Always


A.I. vs Humanity