Be Kind, Always

Yesterday I got a comment from a troll on Facebook. It upset me hugely. I am a ‘live and let live’ kind of soul so the whole trolling thing escapes me.

If you haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

This website is in it’s early stages. The point of it is to share what I have learned in the hope that it will help others. That’s all. No other agenda. But the prospect of putting myself out there and being open to abuse made me falter briefly.

Yet I just read another quote that turned me around a little. I am amazed at how often the right quote comes into your life at the right time. It was merely this.

The meaning of life is to discover your gift, the purpose of life is to give it away.

I am not sure exactly what my gift is, but I like to help. So, I am giving away what I have learned in the hope that it will help someone else.

I was recently given this to share.

You are the sum of your experiences, that includes other people’s kindness.

Repay in kind.


The Power of Words


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