Government Gives Go Ahead For Controversial Cannibalism Bill

Government Gives Go Ahead For Controversial Cannibalism Bill To Tackle Global Famine as Last Living Animal is Slain

Ok, so that’s a fictitious headline. 

But it could be true in the future, couldn’t it? 

While it is alarming, it doesn’t sound that far fetched to me that someone would conceive that idea.

In a century that has bought us headlines like:

Haven't we made it clear what value we place on human life?

Let alone the lives of animals.

These headlines may not represent your point of view, but it is happening in your name.

I know I need to say at this point that cannibalism of an aspect of the population to save ourselves is an appalling idea that I would abhor. 

But in a time where thousands of people die trying to escape conflict and we watch them drown with little care, with governments suggesting that rescue organisations should not take action, doesn’t it seem like the kind of race we are becoming?

This year has witnessed headlines concerning the cull of endangered species to tackle a famine in Africa.

The same animals we have been killing for entertainment and greed for years.

Now, who am I to say that these people don’t have the right to kill their natural animal population in order to feed their families.

Many countries slaughter animals by the millions to satisfy the demand for meat.

But it is a shortsighted solution, and…

We could stop this.

If only we could unite.

There is enough money and food in the world to prevent famine anywhere. 

When are we going to pull together as a species and help each other.

When are we going to stop fighting and killing each other.

When are we going to start taking care of our planet and all of its inhabitants.

When are we going to unite and save ourselves? 

Because there is an inevitable end to the path we are on, and we seem to be happily running towards it.

I don’t like sharing bad news. 

And I worry about creating science fiction, even if it’s just a headline, as we have a nasty habit of realising our darkest sci-fi creations and ignoring the positive ones.

But when I read about the cull in Namibia, I thought a scary headline was called for.

Wake up.

Take responsibility for your actions.

Consider the impact of not taking action.

And make all of your actions count.

Never underestimate the impact of one.


Winter is Coming


Asking For Help